Find Your Happy in the Workplace

At Pursuit, we are on a mission to boost wellbeing in the workplace! Recently we delivered a number of healthy lunches to our clients, to ensure they had a tasty and nutritious lunch. We’re also supporting our communities to stay fit and active by sponsoring local football and rugby teams.

To mark World Wellbeing Week (24-30 June), our MD, Lorraine Phair, is supporting people across Essex and Suffolk by creating a series of top tips for being happy at work.

She explains: “We spend more waking hours at work than anywhere else, so it’s vital we do something we love and enjoy. At Pursuit, we’re constantly matching companies with candidates. It’s essential we fit the right people for the job. The best matches ensure the company and the employee thrive.”


‘If you do something you love, you’ll never work another day in your life’ – It’s true, if you love your job, you’re probably already using your skills and talents in a role that gives you job satisfaction. Most people enjoy doing something they’re good at, so consider your skillsets and strengths before making your next step.

Stress has become one of the biggest issues in organisations across the UK. Latest figures¹ show employees in the UK take on average 7.8 days sick leave a year, up two days from pre-pandemic levels. If you suffer from stress or anxiety, think about what the main causes are. Have a chat with your line manager and take up the support on offer.

Are you getting a fair deal? Financial wellbeing is crucial to unlocking your personal happiness. Your pay check is your deal with your employer. You put the work in and they pay you a fair salary. If you don’t feel valued for the work that you do, assess whether your salary is fair. What’s the current market value for your skills? Think about your options and make a plan. If you decide you deserve a raise, politely ask for one, or review job opportunities in your area.

Do you feel appreciated? One of the biggest problems in workplaces is staff not feeling recognised for the work they do. Middle managers need to ensure they give each staff member the support and recognition they need and deserve. Some people will require more thanks than others – that’s fine, that’s just how they are. The secret is to ensure all employees feel appreciated.

WFH v. office? Since the pandemic we’ve all enjoyed far greater flexibility in the workplace, which has provided so much more opportunity. But are we all happy working from home, or a mix of home and office? Saving costly time and expenses on the commute is a benefit to everyone and improves employees’ work life balance. However, some people feel lonely at home and miss the camaraderie of their work mates. We’re social beings and need connections to thrive – getting the right mix for you is the ideal option.

Have fun! The workplace needs to be stimulating and enjoyable. We need our workplaces to be vibrant and know our employers’ care. Whether it’s free head and shoulder massages, or a team building event, everyone needs to enjoy going to work.

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¹Sickness absence rate jumps to the highest in a decade | CIPD