In light of new employment legislation announced by the Government, Cas Carrington of KLC Employment Law hosted a key webinar, to provide expert analysis of Dismissing Fairly Within the Law, and to explain the basics of this radical new law. Cas has for many years delivered Pursuit’s regular Employment Law Seminars, which are attended by many HR managers.
Pursuit’s own MD, Lorraine Phair, attended the webinar; and was pleased to secure spaces for a number of Pursuit clients, helping them to understand the far-reaching implications of the measures being introduced by the new Labour Government. Lorraine herself was determined to comprehend fully the effects this new law may have on the recruitment process, so that the Pursuit team can most effectively support our many clients.
This opportunity followed on from our most recent Employment Law Seminar, which was also one of our most significant to date, as Cas Carrington offered our clients – and prospective clients – an early update on the raft of coming legislative changes, within 100 days of the new administration taking office.
With a large Government majority, it is inevitable that most of its proposals will pass into law, heralding huge changes and creating a steep learning curve for employers. It is therefore essential that HR managers and directors fully appreciate what these changes will mean to their work.
In a packed programme, Cas not only outlined the proposed legislative changes, but also provided an examination of recent case law, and the way in which this affects the application and evolution of employment law.
At our Autumn seminar, the topics included:
Labour’s reform commitments, including:
- – Day one rights for claiming unfair dismissal
- – Taking the cap off unfair dismissal compensation
- – Trade Union reform – making it easier to knock on your door
- – Mandatory ethnicity and disability pay gap reporting
- – Fire and rehire
Case law – important cases
- – Implied versus express contractual terms
- – Gross misconduct and redundancy
- – Understanding ‘work of a particular kind’
This seminar was attended by many of the region’s HR professionals, eager to ensure that they update their knowledge and apply only the most recent precedents and best practice in the workplace.
The morning, held at our base at the Plaza in Braintree, also provided an invaluable networking opportunity for our delegates.